APICS - The Leading Professional Association for Supply Chain and Operations Management

 Space Coast Chapter


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If you would like to be contacted or have any comments please contact one of our board members.  You should be contacted within the next 24 to 48 hours.

President / Newsletter Editor
Alberto Escobar aescobar@harris.com 321-727-5456

Executive VP
Lynn Zies dlzies@rockwellcollins.com 321-768-7312

VP Finance
James Lombardy jalombar@rockwellcollins.com 321-768-7346

VP Administration
Linda MacInnes Wilbourne llmacinnes@cfl.rr.com 321-536-8697

VP Education
Lori Kruger lori.kruger@ngc.com 321-752-8439

VP Membership
Joan Michaud Joan.michaud@ngc.com 321-752-8437

VP Programs
Wendell Watts wwatts@harris.com 321-727-5984

VP Marketing
Robin Davis robin.davis@ngc.com 321-752-8240

Linda Botuck-Murphy lbotuck-murphy@drs-ts.com 321-727-3672 x3072

Conan Popovich cpopovic@harris.com 768-4830




Last Updated Saturday, June 27, 2015 08:11 AM